Feb 8, 2021
In this solo episode, Emily tells us she’s moving from California back to her hometown. She answers some questions that her Instagram followers have while taking us through her journey in California. Here, we learn about her beautiful moments in California, as well as her tough times. She speaks about how divorce was one of her biggest failures and then provides advice to build and sustain positive relationships with your significant other, with friends, and with family. Join Emily as she reminds us how to harvest happiness and growth within ourselves.
“Before you achieve this massive goal or dream you have for yourself, you have to fully believe you can do it.” – Emily Hayden
In this episode, you will learn:
“Pain is my friend, it never feels good experiencing it, but I know I was made for it…knowing that, I don’t resist the pain anymore. I take it.” – Emily Hayden
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My favorite supplements www.1stphorm.com/EmilyHaydenFitness
My favorite ready-made healthy meals www.iconmeals.com and use code EHFIT to save
Bay Breeze music courtesy of the artist, FortyThr33