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Evolve With Emily

Feb 28, 2022

In today’s Monday Message, Emily shares an incredible moment in her life where she encountered the presence of God in such a real way. When she sat down to record this episode, she realized it was the anniversary of this moment. So she wants you to know that God is real and if you seek Him, you will undoubtedly find...

Feb 23, 2022

In today’s solo episode, Emily shares what led up to her taking a step back from Instagram. She has felt for a long time that she needed to take a break from being online but she was feeling pressure to keep it up. Like so many of us, she found herself scrolling and spending too much time on social media and that...

Feb 22, 2022

In today’s episode, Emily was a guest on a podcast called Conquer The Day with hosts Lindsey Rago and Brian Pickowicz. It was such an amazing interview we decided to share it to The Evolve With Emily platform as well! Show notes from Conquer The Day: You need to ask yourself: What makes you feel excellent? This...

Feb 21, 2022

In today’s episode, Emily wants to talk about connecting with others in your community and how special it is. It’s important to seek out in person community because there is so much value when you connect with others. You never know what’s waiting for you out there in your community. It takes work to get involved...

Feb 16, 2022

In today’s episode, Emily wants to talk about healing, mind, body and spirit. A few weeks ago, Emily injured herself and has gone through her own healing journey and is getting back into her regular training schedule. For her healing, she visited multiple doctors, chiropractors and body work specialists. She ended...