Jan 28, 2019
LIVE EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT! More details to come soon, but mark your calendars for June 15, 2019 here in Los Angeles, CA for a very special live event! I can't wait to see you all soon.
This episode is part two of two, so go back and make sure to catch the first ten in episode six. Lessons 11-27 include some of the...
Jan 21, 2019
Here they are! The 27 most valuable things I have learned, or have built the awareness around the need to continue to learn, in my short 27 years thus far. This episode is only part one, so stay tuned for future episodes coming soon that complete the list! Some of first few I dive into include:
Jan 14, 2019
How will you promise to live your life differently? This question is top of mind for me lately because of the unfortunate and significant loss I recently experienced. I had to share this loss, but more importantly how I am coping with it all, with you here today. I hope this helps you in anything similar you may be...